Placement ads allow you to immediately call attention to your business and direct visitors to your website, social media pages, or offers by leveraging our website traffic through our listings section.
Rates for Ads:
$97 Per Ad Space for 30 days.
No surprises, no long term obligation and no hassles. Your ad placement will run on all site listing pages for 30 days.
Click here to contact us
Featured Listing allow you to prominently and permanently call attention to your business and direct visitors to your website social media pages or offers by leveraging our website traffic. You will also get a 30 access to our digital coupon and list building platform (Limited to 1 Done-For-You campaign and 1000 SMS credits).
Rates per listing:
$297 Per Ad Space for 30 days.
No surprises, no long term obligation and no hassles. Your ad placement will run in our featured section for 30 days.
Click here
Our Premium Listing allows you to engage and permanently call attention to your business through product videos and images and direct visitors to your website social media pages by leveraging our website traffic.
Rates :
$97 Per Premium Listing for 1 Year (Renews yearly)
No surprises, no long term obligation and no hassles.
Click here
If you’re a local business serving the North Dakota community, then offers you an ideal opportunity to put your business in front of prospective customers at NO CHARGE TO YOU. What are you waiting for, it’s FREE.